Classic Kameo Hotel, Ayutthaya Welcomes H.E.Thai Ambassador to New Zealand

Classic Kameo Hotel, Ayutthaya Welcomes H.E.Thai Ambassador to New Zealand



Classic Kameo Hotel, Ayutthaya Welcomes H.E.Thai Ambassador to New Zealand


Classic Kameo Hotel, Ayutthaya General Manager, Rochidee Himbenman, (5th from left) recently graciously welcomed H.E. Mr. Maris Sangiampongsa (6th from left) Thai Ambassador to New Zealand on the occasion of his leading the New Zealand Media Familiarisation Trip staying at Classic Kameo Hotel, Ayutthaya.


 For more information please contact:
Rommanee Waiyasatja (รมณีย์ ไวยสัจจา)

PR Officer, Cape & Kantary Hotels
Tel: 02 253 3791-7 Ext. 215
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.